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Friday 22 July 2011

A bouquet for all my followers

I've not done any minis for a couple of days so thought I'd send you all a beautiful bouquet of sweet peas from my garden to thank you for stopping by and taking the time to read my blog and to comment on it from time to time. I really am thrilled to have you all here.

I also thought I'd show you this beautiful cloth which my Mum embroidered. I thought it was perfect to put my vase of sweet peas on.

She was a very talented embroideress - see how neat the back of her work is too!

I'm also showing you the buddleia bush in my garden which was a gift from the birds last year.  I would never have planted it so near to the hedge but I'm not complaining and I'm not going to move it either. The butterflies love it.


  1. Thank you for those beautiful flowers !!
    Have a great weekend.

    Hugs Mieke

  2. You have a wonderful blog, your works are great!
    And your cat looks lovely :-) Hugs!

  3. Your mother's embroidery is impeccable! I'm so impressed. The back is so neat. Love the gift from the birds too!
