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Sunday, 26 January 2014

Revamping a room box

Finally I've got around to doing something mini! I know I have so much stitching to do but this morning I awoke with the urge to create so ... As it's Sunday the craft shop in town won't be open (and anyhow a trip to town would take up all the crafting time available) I decided to re-purpose and revamp a couple of existing room boxes.

Some of you may remember my little shabby shop ...

Well, it had become a bit of a dumping ground for odd bits and pieces that didn't currently fit anywhere else and was looking a bit cluttered and tired - ripe for renovation.

And this sewing room was a better size for a shop - taller and very slightly wider.

Both boxes are just made of foam core board glued to picture frames so I emptied everything out of both and prised the sewing room box from its frame.

 I decided to put a window in one side wall and cut an opening to fit a beautiful sash window which I had stashed away waiting for such an opportunity.

I then cut strips of mount board to form a shop front, pieced them all together and glued them to the front of the box.

That's as far as I've gone today. Tomorrow I shall paint the window frame (which will be interesting as the 'glass' is already fitted in the window) and the shop front. Watch this space soon for more progress.


  1. I like your renovation.
    Greetings, Faby

  2. My advise for painting is use a small soft brush and waterbased emulsion them spills can be carefully removed when the paint is dry with a toothpick. But be carefull otherwise the 'glass' will be damaged.
    Good luck!
    Miniature greetings
