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Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Yes, I've been sewing

First of all I'd like to say to those who were kind enough to show an interest, that the manor house is built in 1:24 scale - hence the problem with the electrical connections. But that's tomorrow's job. Today I want to show you what's been happening on the stitching front.

Some of you may have noticed that I'm taking part in Liz's sew along at her blog liz-moments.blogspot. I joined a little late so this tote bag is my first project but I'm really pleased with it and it's already earning its keep. Don't you just love those rose fabrics?

I also completed a blackwork kit which my good friend Vi gave me.

Sorry about that crease. I photographed it before it was pressed. It will be framed and hung in my bedroom where there's already a bit of Japanese theme going on with the seven existing cross stitch photos that are in there.

 Sorry also about the reflection from the window on this one. You get the idea anyhow I'm sure.

I also started two more projects. Yes, I know ... what about completing one project before you begin another, but there is a reason - honest! This crewel work sampler is the piece I shall take to work on at the next Embroiderers Guild meeting next Monday. This piece uses some of the traditional 17th century crewel work stitches within a much more modern flower design and I'm practising the techniques for the 17th century embroidery project we're embarking on at the Guild.

and I'm working on this miniature carpet at home in the evenings. This is a Berlin work design taken from the Janet Granger carpet book I showed you a couple of posts ago. Berlin wool work is a type of needlepoint which typically uses a great many colours in quite intricate designs which became very popular in England during the 19th century, probably due to the availability of better dyeing methods and the Victorian love of colour and pattern. Anyhow it will look just perfect in the living room above the tea rooms.

I told you a couple of weeks ago that my friend Vi and I now get together each Monday to work on our needle lace and I'm working on some sycamore seed designs which I'm planning to stitch onto the lid of a silk covered box. I've completed two seed heads but now I have a little dilemma I'd like your help with if you can. Today I went into town and bought two pieces of silk dupion - one of which will cover the box. My problem is that I can't really decide which colour the lace looks better on ...

this sea green/blue piece?

... or this brown piece?

What do you think?


  1. I'm going to be no help at all because I like both pieces :) But my preference is always towards green. Where will the box be used? Which colour will look best in that setting? Both colours look great with the lace in the photos - it might be different in daylight or in electric light. I'd try them both in their setting. But as I said, my preference is always for green despite my love of earthy colours.
    Hugs, Sandie

  2. PS I meant to say how beautiful your Japanese-themed needlework is!
